Your 5 Step Lead Generation Strategy to Start With

Discovering the benefits of Inbound Marketing and how it drives lead generation makes most companies want to start writing more blog articles, create eBooks and send more emails immediately.

When building a house, you hardly start by stacking bricks; Before you must have a vision, design and plans that will help you create a solid and durable house.

Similarly, to start with Inbound Marketing B2B, you should not start executing tactics without  first creating a comprehensive strategy , otherwise you will end up throwing money in the trash without many results to show.

In order to see effective results with your lead generation campaigns, you must first take these 5 steps:

Trace your route

Identify on a business map where you are and where you want to reach.

When mapping, you should be able to identify what marketing efforts your competitors are making, know your market and be very clear about your positioning. These three points are key to creating realistic and attainable goals.

Then you must determine what your key performance indicators (KPIs) will be to help you evaluate the success of your strategy.

Identify your buyer people

Do you know the profile of your ideal buyer? You won’t be able to make much progress with your strategy if you don’t know who you should connect with.

You need to collect all the information you can about them, as it is necessary to  properly define your buyer people . By knowing them deeply, you can determine how, where and when you can provide information effectively.

The buyer people are a fundamental component of a B2B marketing strategy, since we are all tired of being attacked with generic marketing messages; You must take your communication to a more personal level.

Approach them to your website

Now you must carry out an investigation to identify the keywords (keywords) that your prospects are using to find content on the internet.

Knowing the exact terms they use can  help you optimize your content strategy .

Incorporating these keywords into your blog, site and social networks is one of the most efficient ways to  drive organic traffic to your site .

To generate leads

Once your buyer people visit your site you have to give them enough reasons to convert them into leads.

The vast majority of people who visit your website are not yet ready to buy, but are at an early stage of their buyer’s journey. It is up to you to help them make a more informed decision.

In order for you to build a relationship of trust, you need to motivate your visitors to fill out a form with some kind of contact information in  exchange for something valuable.

Landing pages and Call-To-Action buttons are key because they will help you build a database of contacts who are really interested in what you offer.

Convince them and increase your sales

There will come a point where your leads are fully aware that your product or service is one of the options that could solve your problem. Your content at this stage should be able to communicate your unique value proposition and show your leads that you can help them better than your competitors.

The content you offer should be able to offer evidence  (such as testimonials) to help you build trust and credibility.

With the help of processes such as lead nurturing and lead scoring, which can be automated, you can deliver “hot” prospects to the sales team and, finally, you can see the results of a well-planned Inbound Marketing strategy.

Thoroughly planning your Inbound Marketing strategy is key before you can execute any tactics that help you achieve your goals.